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Have you stood in line at a coffee shop and overheard people ordering pour over coffee (a.k.a, brewed coffee?)

Perhaps you got curious and ordered one yourself? I assume you’re here because that cup of pour over coffee blew your mind. You loved it so much that you decided to find out if you can make it at home (yes, you can!).

It’s about time you learned how to brew great coffee like a true coffee hipster.


What makes this style of coffee so damn special? It’s all in the process, and the result.
It’s preferred among coffee enthusiasts because it allows you to control factors such as taste and strength better than other brewing methods. After you try it for yourself you’ll definitely be wondering where this method has been all of your coffee drinking life!

Pour over coffee (or manual filter coffee) is exactly what it sounds like – you pour hot water over freshly ground coffee beans.

  • S.ave


  • Freshly ground coffee
  • 咖啡滤光片(某种排序)
  • 倒入啤酒(DUH)

In simple terms: you create a very clean tasting brew by drizzling water over a coffee bed, slowly, to extract the coffee from the beans, and it’s all collected by your cup or carafe.


但别担心 - 你即将学习秘密。

Equipment List for Filter Coffee

如果你想做令人惊叹的咖啡,不要削减角落。一种part from the obvious – a pour over/drip coffee maker, here are the tools you’ll need:

  • S.ave

How To Make Pour Over Coffee


But follow this step by step guide and you can brew the coffee of your dreams – rich, smooth, aromatic – everything you want it to be and more.

Before anything else – let’s learn why you need good-quality water:


获得水温右是关键:195 - 205华氏度。

如果您没有温度计,请使用这个简单的技巧:等待水煮沸, then remove from heat and wait 30 seconds before brewing.


一个行业最喜欢的,我绝对爱,是Bonavita数字变量temperature pour over kettle。它美丽,易于使用,并将在温度下将水设置为完美的水平,只要您想要它即可。

bonvita pour over kettle
  • S.ave

Using a gooseneck kettle will help you control water flow, and hence, the brew. For bonus points, use the right water to brew your coffee (it makes a difference).


How much coffee do you need? The biggest flavor factor is the比率of water to coffee. A popular recommendation uses 18 grams of water for every gram of coffee.

This works out to between 9 and 11 grams of coffee for every 6-ounce (171 grams) cup you brew. But ask a dozen baristas, and their answers may vary between 16:1 and 19:1. Why? Because they like the way their coffee tastes.




This is an important step to remember lest you end up with coffee that has a hint of paper in the final product. Get rid of the paper taste byrinsingthe filter.

To do rinse correctly, you simply need to place the brewer in the dripper and then pour water around it in a circle (making sure to get up the sides) for about five seconds to rinse the filter, then discard the water in the cup or carafe that ran through it.



While you’re here, watch our video on different filter types:

4.。Grind the coffee.


Your assignment:find the happy medium (the perfect particle size). Most pour over experts recommend a medium-fine grind, like sea salt or sand.

Feeling scientific? Select the middle of your grinder’s range and test your brew (note down the result for next time). Want it milder? Grind it coarser. Want it richer? Grind it finer.

Now add your ground coffee to the rinsed filter, and…


Pouring the water has two parts:盛开and酝酿时间


Brew time:慢慢地将其余的水倒在地上。在中心倾斜,并在一个宽敞的螺旋中搬出,以均匀地湿润所有的场地。当您添加水中的比例时停止。

一些倒在酿酒商需要简单的倾倒技术,其他,就像Hario V60, require some skill.

Now, all that in a video form:



专业咖啡协会的“黄金比例”推荐每升55克咖啡(1)。这只是每夸脱的两盎司豆,每6盎司杯子为9-11克。计算器上的几个水龙头,这效果为18:1水 - 咖啡比。


S.o if these ratios are just a guideline, how do you know what’s right for you? Experiment. Jot down the weight of your coffee and the weight of water and brew a cup.


If you’ve written down the ratio, here’s how to get closer to your ideal taste:


You should have the perfect cup after a few tries.



pour over coffee steps list
  • S.ave


我们之所以,咖啡爱好者,经过所有的this is for one thing:品尝。

You take the time topick the right beansfor pour over coffee and research the process, so you need to take the time to choose the right kind of grinder too.

一种s with ALL types of coffee brewing, your grind is going to be very important because it impacts the timing. Remember, this is a process and any part of with a hiccup will impact the end product. You have to be able to control the grind in order to control the timing. The grind size is a crucial factor in manually brewing filter coffee.

The folks at Kicking Horse Coffee agree.

Grinding exposes all volatile flavours and aromatics locked in the coffee bean. Grind size will greatly affect the coffee you brew.

一种coarse grind will produce larger coffee granules, and that causes the water to percolate through the granules at a faster rate. The opposite is true of a finer grind since the granules are much smaller. They will stop the water from easily percolating through them and extracting the flavor.

For great filter coffee you need to adopt the Goldilocks approach to grinding: not too coarse, not too fine, but just right.


That’s why you need a really good coffee grinder to help you achieve consistent grinds and hence, even extraction of your coffee grounds. I can’t stress this enough – you absolutely need grounds that areuniform in size。如果你真的想了解磨削(你应该),你需要一个研磨尺寸图表 - 在我们的山上这里咖啡研磨尺寸图表

  • S.ave


Don’t skip the bloom



作为任何好咖啡制作过程的一部分,你会把足够的水倒入你的场地上弄湿它们,然后你会看到它们绽放 - 这是他们释放二氧化碳时。这样做:

  1. 只需加入适量的水以使所有的地面湿润。
  2. 停止大约30秒让二氧化碳逃脱。
  3. 看着地面膨胀和膨胀 - 它正在绽放!


Be consistent (and keep a record)

One of the most important things you can do in this process is topractice consistency。它不仅可以帮助您纠正任何错误你沿途,因为,嘿,你只是人类;当您将基础下降时,它也会允许您进行实验。因为我们的朋友在完美的日常磨砺会说(3.):


S.o, for the love of all that is coffee, practice good consistency with these tips:

  • 使用良好的质量等级。
  • 使用高质量的毛刺磨床。
  • 密切关注酿造指南(因此您甚至提取)。
  • 如果您真的想钉住它 - 在开始时录制一切(使用Brew Journal,所以您知道下次启动的位置)。

For example– let’s say you create a really really good brew. Record how you did it: Maybe you used ‘X’ amount of coffee, your water was ‘X’ degrees in temperature, and you spent ‘X’ minutes pouring; Write it down in a notebook, and slightly change variables to get different results!



一个好的经验法则是:如果你闻到的气味your equipment, clean it. If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned your brewer, clean it.

Give your brewing equipment the clean it deserves once you’re finished with it to ensure its devoid of coffee oils before you begin next time. Your taste buds will thank you.

There are many resources available to help you how to learn to use your new pour over brewing equipment. Two of the best resources on the market are Scott Rao’s一切都是浓咖啡andBlue Bottles Craft of Coffee预订詹姆斯弗里曼等。看波纹管:


现在你知道如何酿造完美的倒入或滴水咖啡,是时候选择你想要使用的设备了。选择酿酒商就像选择配偶 - 你必须确保它是正确的,所以你可以一起驾驭旅程的试验和磨难。


Here’s what I mean. Some pour over brewers can be used with standard paper filters; others with special filters only available online. Some brewers will require a meticulous setup and brewing process; others just require a bed of grounds and water.

Need a suggestion? Choose a倒在咖啡机从我们的名单中,但我推荐Kalita Wave Brewer.if you’re just starting out.


What You Need for Pour Over (or Drip) Coffee


  • 一种coffee filter (the type reliant on the brewer you choose)
  • 一个好的咖啡研磨机(我早先强调这一点,但它的价值重复如此重要!)
  • 一种special kettle. Hot water isn’t enough. You need hot water at the optimal flow rate.
  • 你通过使用特殊的倒水来实现这一目标:这是最好的gooseneck kettles
  • 咖啡规模在克里措施 - 因为它是精确的。
  • 一种控制水温的一种温度计。
  • 一种serving vessel (optional)
  • To take your pour over to the next level, get granular with your grinds using something像Kruve Sifter一样


这就是为了把它包裹起来,为这个初学者手提滤咖啡。一旦你掌握上面概述的基础知识,你就可以开始尝试使用新的酿酒商并根据您的心情控制您的酿造!如果您正在寻求进一步改进咖啡酿造体验,这里有一些很酷coffee brewing Youtube channelsyou can subscribe to.

一种ny tips we left out that you’d like to add? We’d love to hear about them – leave a comment below!


倒入和滴水咖啡之间存在一些缺点差异,尽管使用的方法非常相似 - 通过咖啡研磨来渗出热水以提取啤酒。与手动倒入倒水时,滴水咖啡使用一台机器在咖啡研磨中自动滴水。不用说,没有标准滴水咖啡机将能够将手动酿造方法的精确控制与水温,浇注方法和盛开相匹配。您可以阅读我们的文章what is drip coffeeto learn more.

您可以手动使用啤酒咖啡酿造酿造酿造。你可能会在你当地的美元树上挑选一个(尽管我们不推荐它)。在他们最终购买的设备方面,每个人都会有自己的偏好。但是,如果您没有任何手动咖啡机,我会推荐Kalita Wave Brewer.。或者你可以看看我们的倒在咖啡机buyer’s guide对于其他选择。

The best coffee to use for pour over differs from person to person. Some people might be satisfied with store-bought, pre-ground coffee powder (not the greatest option, but probably the cheapest). Others might only buy single-estate Arabica beans and grind them just before brewing (guilty as charged!). The best way, though, is to visit as many local coffee shops and roasteries as possible and try all the brewed coffee options they offer. Then pick the one you like best and buy the beans from them (they’ll even grind it for you if you let them know what brewing method you use).


  1. S.CAA Standard | Golden Cup. (2015, December 23). Retrieved from https://www.scaa.org/PDF/resources/golden-cup-standard.pdf
  2. Grinding Fundamentals. (2015, April 23). Retrieved from https://www.coffeechemistry.com/quality/grinding/grinding-fundamentals
  3. 6 Golden Rules TO Brewing Coffee At Home. (2015, January 20). Retrieved from https://www.perfectdailygrind.com/2015/01/6-golden-rules-to-brewing-coffee-at-home/
  4. 酿造咖啡 - 咖啡的基本框架和咖啡比:水(N.D.)。从https://library.sweetmarias.com/brewing-coffee-a-framework-2/
    • S.ave
    I come from a country where people drinkdomestic coffee(世界其他地区都知道土耳其咖啡)以及Nescafe指定所有瞬间咖啡所做的。所以,想象一下,我的第一次遭遇,例如,Hario V60 ...Yes, it was love at first sight.Today I’m a moderate coffee connoisseur and a huge coffee lover. My favorite brewing methods are the V60 and traditional espresso-making. Yet, despite my country’s long tradition of Turkish-coffee-adoring, I somehow cannot stand it. That’s justtoo dark,即使对我而言。


