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Oxo Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder Review: Yay or Nay?

If you’re starting to get serious about coffee, you’ve probably realized that pre-ground coffee won’t cut it. You need a good grinder. You need a burr grinder!

If you don’t want to break the bank with a fancy prosumer grinder, there are a few worthwhile lower-priced options. And of these, the Oxo Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder offers the best bang for your buck. Keep reading to find out why.

SUMMARY: The Oxo Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

  • High quality 40 mm stainless steel conical burr set with 15 grind settings
  • Great value for money thanks to above-average grinding consistency
  • 易于使用一触的磨削能力

It’s wonderful. You can easily adjust the grind from coarse to fine, and there is a timer so you can get the exact amount of ground coffee that you want.

- 顾客

全部Oxo Brew锥形毛刺咖啡研磨机评论

Looking for more than just a quick summary? Keep reading as I explore the nitty-gritty details of this popular and affordableburr coffee grinder。我们将其从建造质量剥离到物有所值。

  • 设计
  • Durability
  • 使用方便
  • Grinding Capability
  • 物有所值

设计 - 4/5

从美学的角度来看,Oxo Brew锥形毛刺研磨机的设计良好。对于在功能和吸引人的厨具上赢得声誉的公司来说,这并不奇怪(1)。


With a small footprint of just 6.8” x 11.8”, it won’t take up a lot of space on your counter. It is relatively tall, at 14.8”, but still low enough to slide under your upper cupboards. Its slender body coupled with the more substantial height gives it a stately appearance, enhanced by its shiny silver finish.


Durability – 3/5

As one of the cheaper electric burr grinders on the market, I won’t claim that this Oxo conical burr grinder is built to last forever. But it does have some nice features to enhance its longevity.

Most impressive in this price range is that the top burr is removable for easy cleaning. By making this kind of basic maintenance as easy as possible, Oxo helps you increase the lifespan of your grinder. Unfortunately, the bottom burr isn’t removable, a feature some users have requested.


易用性 - 3.5/5

The Oxo Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder uses a timer to dose the right amount of ground coffee instead of a grinder with an integrated scale. A scale is a bit more accurate and more expensive, and more apt to break (2)。


关于这种咖啡研磨机的最常见抱怨是它很大。但这不是真的。Oxo圆锥形毛刺研磨机使用相对较慢的磨速度,使噪声水平保持在约88 dB处。这与班级的其他磨床相媲美。但是,它的声音特别高,肯定不愉快。它不会持续很长时间,因为计时器在30秒内最大化,但是如果您对高音声音敏感,那么这可能不是您的磨床。

静态也有一些问题,导致磨削跳出或卡在地面箱中。这是几乎所有价格合理的磨床的普遍问题,因为它要解决的问题非常昂贵。实际上,在这方面,这种Oxo Burr Grinder的钢箱比许多塑料选择要好。

Grinding Capability – 4/5

At the heart of this grinder is an impressive set of 40 mm stainless steel conical burrs. Stainless-steel burrs have three advantages over ceramic, the other popular material in this price range, making them generally preferred by experts. Steel burrs are:

  • Sharper than ceramic, though they will dull more quickly.
  • Less brittle and thus more durable.
  • Steel is more thermally conductive, which means these burrs dissipate their heat more quickly than ceramic.


扁平毛刺通常提供更好的研磨稠度。根据Grinder品牌Della Corte技术员Marco Beltrame的说法,这是因为它们更容易保持一致(3)。也就是说,有些品尝者更喜欢用一些磨损的咖啡酿造的咖啡,认为它可以提供更多的身体。

In conical burrs, it is necessary to achieve perfect parallelism and perfect concentricity, while with flat burrs, only parallelism is important. Therefore, it is easier to obtain better homogeneity of the particle size.

Conical burrs, for their part, offer lower retention, which means more accurate dosing. If you like to brew coffee with a precise recipe, this will be important to you. And if you are worried about grind consistency, you’ll be happy to hear that the Oxo burr grinder punches above its weight in this category.

This grinder has 15 grind settings, which is not all that many relative to some of its competitors. So it’s probably not the right coffee grinder if you’re looking to dial in the perfect espresso. But for filter coffee or a coarse grind for French Press or cold brew, it works perfectly.

物有所值– 4.5/5

物有所值是Oxo Brew锥形毛刺研磨机的真正发光的地方。不,这不是市场上最好的磨床。但这很容易以这个价格成为最好的磨床。



在下一节中,我建议对具有其他偏好的人提出一些替代磨削。但是,值得注意的是,所有这些都比Oxo Brew贵,其中一些啤酒非常昂贵。

Don’t Buy the Oxo Brew Conical Burr Grinder If…

You mostly make espresso——把一个适当的咖啡,特别是you’re using a non-pressurized basket, demands a high quality grinder. Not only do you need grinds fine enough for espresso, but you need them to be light, fluffy, and a uniform grind size. If espresso is your thing, consider a dedicated espresso grinder like theBaratza Vario。或者更好的是Baratza Sette 270磨床反而。

你想要平坦的毛刺- 正如我所说,伯尔的形状是个人偏好。如果您喜欢磨的一致性和清洁的平坦毛刺研磨机,请查看整个阵容尤里卡咖啡研磨者。They come in various styles and prices, with options for espresso, filter, and both.

您想要更多的研磨设置- 虽然普通的咖啡饮用者会对Oxo Grinder的范围感到满意,但如果您对酿造一杯咖啡的咖啡越来越严重,您可能希望有更多变量来修补。看看流行的BrevilleSmart Grinder Pro, which has 60 grind settings, or theBaratza Virtuoso, which has 40.

The Verdict

如果您酿造滴水或过滤咖啡,则Oxo Brew锥形毛刺研磨机是一个绝佳的选择,尤其是如果您每天磨碎相同的量。鉴于其一致的研磨尺寸和易于使用的单触摸磨,它为金钱提供了令人难以置信的价值。只要您不被其高音的抱怨推迟,您就不会抱怨!

Oxo Brew Burr Coffee Grinder

查看Oxo Brew Grinder

  1. Fox, M. (2013, June 21). Sam Farber, Creator of Oxo Utensils, Dies at 88. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/22/business/sam-farber-creator-of-oxo-utensils-dies-at-88.html
  2. 彼得里奇,I.L。(2019年5月8日)。Gravimetric vs定时研磨机:浓缩咖啡的一致性辩论。取自https://perfectdailygrind.com/2019/05/gravimetric-vs-timed-----------------------------------------------------
  3. 彼得里奇,I.L。(2020年5月12日)。咖啡研磨机:锥形和扁平毛刺研磨机有什么区别?取自https://perfectdailygrind.com/2020/05/conical-vs-flat-burr-coffee-grinders-difference/
朱莉娅·鲍克(Julia Bobak)

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