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Papua New Guinea Coffee: What You Need to Know


这是我们破败PNG咖啡,从其独特的flavor profile to the coffee industry as a whole on the diverse Pacific island nation.

Volcanica Coffee – Hawaiian Kona Coffee Extra Fancy beans

Papua New Guinea Coffee (Volcanica Coffee)

想尝试一些best beans from PNG?看看这个巴布亚新几内亚咖啡.
Medium roasted and deliciously fruity with a干净,全身, these beans are sure to leave you wanting more.

Facts About Papua New Guinea Coffee Beans

火山咖啡豆 Volcanica Coffee
  • Medium roast
  • Molasses, tropical fruit
  • Ground or whole bean: Both
Click to check price
new-guinea-highlands 皮特的新几内亚高地
  • 深烤
  • Jackfruit, herb, ganache
  • Ground or whole bean: Both
Centri Organic Papua New Guinea Siane Chimbu Centri Organic Papua New Guinea Siane Chimbu
  • Medium Roast
  • 可可,柑橘,饼干
  • Ground or whole bean: Both
Click to Check Price
single-origin-engora-papua-new-guinea-fair-trade-coffee 从灰色engora巴布亚新几内亚出来
  • Medium Roast
  • Spices, almonds, caramel
  • Ground or whole bean: Both
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In our Papua New Guinea coffee review, we’ll break down the history of PNG coffee, what it tastes like, and a few other interesting facts that make these beans so special.

PNG Coffee Heritage



第一批咖啡厂被介绍给该岛(1) during the 19th century, but it wasn’t until the 1920s-1930s that the industrial production of coffee beans really began to thrive.

从那里开始,由于其他咖啡国家在苦苦挣扎,到全球咖啡价格凹陷处的挣扎,从繁荣时期开始了一系列起伏(从繁荣时期开始(2)。But through it all, the nation’s scattered and somewhat helter-skelter coffee industry has continued to produce some of the wildest, most exciting coffee the world has ever seen.


This overview wouldn’t be complete without some Papua New Guinea coffee tasting notes!

虽然在许多方面与该地区种植的其他咖啡相似(想想Java,Sulawesi, and Sumatra) there is a uniqueness to the Papua New Guinea coffee flavor profile.



  • Aroma: Mango and papaya fruitiness (4)
  • Taste: Unpredictable; floral, sweet, apple wine, somewhat acidic, clean, full-bodied… did we say unpredictable?
  • 回味:低调,深


Much of the coffee grown on PNG is located on small-scale farms from 4,000 to over 6,000 ft. above sea level. These farms grow a fairly random variety of coffee cherries that are processed in various “homegrown” methods. In other words, in whatever way the farmers choose.


But on the larger and more established farms and estates, the process is better controlled, bringing consistency to the crops.

This variation in small- to large-scale growing quality has led to an inconsistency in the quality of beans coming from PNG. Coffee from the smaller farmers tends to be hard to predict, while the larger estates have more control and thus more stability in quality and flavor.

Starbucks and PNG


Not only that, but Starbucks has been actively working through their Starbucks Reserve program to help boost the overall quality of PNG coffee beans… as well as the farmers’ livelihoods.

Some of the Major Growing Regions of PNG

The major coffee-growing region of Papua New Guinea is based around a single, large expanse of mountains located towards the center of the island.

Together, these highland provinces are responsible for 75% of all the coffee grown on Papua New Guinea, and produce the bulk of the coffee sold overseas in places like North America.

This highland region is divided up into theEastern Highland Province(5),专注于Goroka和Kainantu,以及Western Highland Province(6), based out of the town of Mount Hagen.


Farms and coffee plant varietals


When it comes to the commercial coffee industry, though, it’s the larger estates that tend to take the front seat.

As far as coffee plant varietals go, there are many kinds of coffee plants grown in PNG, including Arusha, Caturra, Bourbon, and Blue Mountain.

Honorable Mentions

Out of the two major growing regions in PNG, it is the Western Highlands specifically that narrowly win the prize of the top coffee production in the country (7)。


这个品种的种子直接把from the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica to the island in the beginning of its coffee history. This coffee is hailed as one of the best coffees from Papua New Guinea.

The Current State of the Papua New Guinea Coffee Industry


But the truth is, even as we’ve entered the modern era, the coffee industry of the half-island is on anything but firm footing.

诸如缺乏良好基础设施和盗贼的真正威胁之类的因素(9) carting off the beans before they hit the open market make coffee farming in PNG a truly harrowing feat. Then there’s the very fertile soil, which means lack of food is not as serious a problem here as in other areas of the world.


However, attention and funds have begun to slowly work their way into the PNG coffee industry, helping to improve production and processing as well as to educate the smaller farmers in the nitty-gritty details of the business. It’s an exciting development in a country with an incredible amount of high quality coffee-growing potential.


While coffee from Papua New Guinea can be prepared in a variety of ways with various benefits, a couple of the best options are to use a French press or to make an espresso.

The French press, in particular, both pulls the oils out in full forceand允许果实更明亮的一面出现。这导致了令人兴奋的大胆咖啡。


If you’re wondering where to buy Papua New Guinea coffee, we have a few suggestions to get you started.



  • Roast level: Medium

  • Tasting notes: Molasses, tropical fruit
  • Ground or whole bean: Both

来自我们最喜欢的高质量咖啡来源巴布亚新几内亚豆descend from the original Jamaica Blue Mountain plants brought to the country in the 1920s… and are sure to impress.

Volcanica is an ethically conscious company with a focus on coffee grown at high elevations in fertile volcanic soil. This means thatquality is the name of the game有了他们所有的咖啡,这些PNG豆也不例外。

Fruity with notes of mango and papaya in the aroma, they also bring a full body and clean taste to the cup.

This option is Fair Trade certified and medium roasted when you order, so you are guaranteed to have the freshest possible PNG coffee arriving at your door.




  • Roast level: Dark

  • 品尝笔记:菠萝蜜,草药,甘纳奇
  • Ground or whole bean: Both

皮特的新几内亚高地coffee is a fine example of the unusual connection between the Americas and PNG. The Blue Mountain coffee that has made Jamaica so famous was introduced to the highlands of Papua New Guinea in the 1920s. Here, the rich volcanic soil and unique microclimate provide the perfect environment for getting the most out of these beans.

PNG Blue Mountain has retained the complex characteristics of these original plants. This coffee from Peet’s offers an aromatic cup with herbal notes and full-bodied flavors of tropical jackfruit and chocolate ganache.

3.Centri Organic Papua New Guinea Siane Chimbu


  • Roast level: Medium

  • Tasting notes: Cacao, citrus, cookies
  • Ground or whole bean: Both

The small-scale nature of most farms in PNG means the most sustainable method of buying coffee is through cooperatives. The Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative, which operates out of Simbu, ensures access to fair prices, assists with community projects, and helps farmers attain organic certification.

This coffee from Centri is a mix of Typica and Bourbon beans grown at 4,400 feet and fully wash processed. It has a clean but robust flavor profile of chocolate and cookies, balanced by some citrus acidity.



  • Roast level: Medium

  • Tasting notes: Spices, almonds, caramel
  • Ground or whole bean: Both


Out of the Grey’s Engora PNG coffee has been sourced through the Highland Organic Agriculture Cooperative, one of the few registered Fair Trade groups in the country. The beans come from the Okupa Valley area, grown at elevations up to 4,900 feet. Expect a brew with a rich, syrupy body with sweet and nutty flavors with a spice finish.



This can help accentuate the overall balanced flavor profile of the beans, maintain that light and bright element, and bring out the oils for a rich, full cup.

Getting in Touch with Your Wilder Side

Coffee from PNG is simultaneously wild and refined, bringing an unpredictable factor to the table that you can’t get with most other coffees. Its no wonder you’ll often see a bean from this region in best of bestcoffee bean lists. People can’t get enough of it.

If you’re a fan of adventure, Papua New Guinea coffee is a trip worth taking.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on PNG coffee. Let us know in the comments below!

  1. History Of Coffee In PNG Retrieved from https://www.cic.org.pg/2017/02/14/history-of-coffee-in-png/
  2. The Coffee Crisis — Coffee & Conservation Retrieved from https://www.coffeehabitat.com/2006/02/the_coffee_cris/
  3. Papua New Guinea Coffee Retrieved from https://www.specialty-coffee-advisor.com/papua-new-guinea-coffee.html
  4. 巴布亚新几内亚咖啡豆从https://www.coffeeresearch.org/coffee/papuanewguinea.htm
  5. 关于东部高地省,从https://www.cic.org.pg.pg/2016/09/14/about-about-eastern-highlands-province/
  6. About Western Highlands Province Retrieved From https://www.cic.org.pg/2016/09/15/about-western-highlands-province/
  7. Coffee In Papua New Guinea | High Quality Coffee Beans Retrieved from https://camanoislandcoffee.com/where-does-your-coffee-come-from-papua-new-guinea/
  8. 蓝山咖啡:从牙买加到巴布亚新几内亚 - 1335 Frankford从https://www.bluemountaincoffee.com/products检索
  9. 巴布亚新几内亚咖啡区 - Eclipse咖啡烘焙厂从https://www.ravecoffee.ca/pages/papua-new-guinea-coffee-coffee-gregion取回
    Alex Mastin

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