
The Truth About Decaf Coffee

If you’re looking to limit your caffeine intake, decaf coffee can be a great replacement. It has a nearly similar aroma and health benefits to regular coffee with merely an unnoticeable trace of caffeine.


Related Article –10个最佳的咖啡豆。

How Is Coffee Decaffeinated?

So how decaf coffee is made?

很久很久以前(1905年),一个名叫路德维希RosE.lius decided that he wanted to decaffeinate some coffee. He theorised that if he moistened the beans to make the caffeine accessible, and then soaked them in奔驰E.to draw the caffeine out, he’d have his wish. Those were the first decaffeinated beans. You can only imagine how they tasted. Benzene is a chemical that the National Cancer Institute today deems ascarcinogenic(1).

直到最近,化学提取是使用的主要方法。化学品不可避免地留下了影响咖啡味的次数,giving decaffeinated its bad rep. Coffee manufacturers no longer use benzene to remove the caffeine and have turned to less harmful methods. However, in some cases, chemicals are still part of the process.


  • Water always plays a part由于咖啡因的水溶性。
  • 除了咖啡因,有1,000种化学品that are essential for the taste of coffee. A perfect method needs to strap only caffeine and leave other components intact.
  • The process requires chemicals like ethyl acetate and methylene chloride. Since water itself would wash out a lot more than just caffeine, the purpose of these solvents is to尽量减少损坏。
  • Every decaffeination process starts with unroasted, green coffee beans.
facts coffee's decaffeination process
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The Indirect-Solvent Method (or the Methylene-Chloride Method)

This process uses methylene chloride as the primary chemical compound to separate the caffeine from the coffee beans. First, the beans need to stay in near-boiling water for a few hours to remove the caffeine and other compounds. After that, the beans are moved to another tank where they are usually left to soak in methylene chloride.






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It starts with dipping coffee beans in near-boiling water which extracts the caffeine and flavor. Then the water passes through a separate activated charcoal filter. This filter captures only caffeine molecules while the flavor stays with the water. The manufacturers then reuse this new, flavor- and aroma-enhanced water to extract the caffeine from a new group of beans.

The Carbon-Dioxide Method


In this process, CO2 is introduced into a stainless steel container under 1,000 pounds of pressure to remove the caffeine and leave the aroma components intact. The CO2 with caffeine is then moved to a different container where the caffeine is released.



Despite the term “decaf”, decaffeinated coffee is not entirely caffeine-free (2). So, if you have high blood pressure or other conditions that prohibit you from consuming caffeine, you should still be careful.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that decaf coffeecan still contain 3% caffeine.

So, let’s say you have a “tall” Starbucks coffee cup, which is around 350ml (12oz). A caffeinated cup of this size would have 180mg of caffeine, while a nominally decaf cup could still have around 5-6mg of caffeine. According to recent research, almost all types of decaffeinated coffee contain caffeine in some quantity (3).

This means that there are around 7mg of caffeine in any 8oz decaf coffee cup. Keep this in mind if you have any medical condition that may be impacted by caffeine intake. This especially applies to anxiety, heart-related diseases, insomnia, and other similar ailments.

Roland Griffiths, Ph. D, who is a professor at the Department of Neurosciences at the John Hopkins University of Medicine explains this further (4):

The important point is that decaffeinated is not the same as caffeine-free… People who are trying to eliminate caffeine from their diet should be aware that popular espresso drinks such as lattes can deliver as much caffeine as a can of Coca-Cola – about 31 milligrams.

According to European law standards, decaf coffee must contain no more than 0.1% of caffeine in roasted coffee beans and up to 0.3% in instant coffee.

Paul Toscano, chief marketing officer of Joyride Coffee, shared that their company favors the Swiss Water Process as it can remove 99% of the caffeine from the beans (5).

Swiss Water Process is the best, quality-wise.

Decaf Coffee的优缺点

咖啡咖啡咖啡的最大上行活量在其最大的缺点时同时 - 它不含咖啡因。所以,如果你喝咖啡的主要原因是让你的日常咖啡因修复,你就不会尽可能多地享受溃疡。与此同时,如果你喜欢咖啡的味道和香气,但想避免咖啡因,无论是什么原因,Decaf都是去的方式。

One of the main health controversies regarding decaf coffee is the decaffeination process itself. Experts agree that the Swiss Water Process and the liquid CO2 process are completely healthy, but chemical solvents such as methylene-chloride aren’t as safe.

Charlotte Valleyys,高级政策分析师和消费者报告的食品标签专家解释(6) how to avoid solvent-based decaf coffee.



脱咖啡因咖啡是一种已le alternative if you are caffeine-sensitive but still enjoy the taste of coffee. It is also a great replacement during periods where you need to limit your caffeine intake, such as when experiencing insomnia or during pregnancy.

Caffeine is not completely absent from decaf coffee, but if you drink one or two cups a day, the amount you’ll consume is negligible. Also, if you’re worried about chemically-processed coffee, always look for an ‘organic’ label on the product.



Decaf coffee isn’t bad for you. Both decaf and regular coffee contain the same antioxidants. The main difference in decaf is the absence of caffeine. So, if other ingredients in regular coffee don’t cause you health problems, decaf shouldn’t cause them either.

如果您喝了Decaf Coffee,您将不会遇到任何潜在的咖啡因消费潜水。然而,除了味道和香气之外,您还将错过常规咖啡的所有好处。根据研究,Decaf的主要健康益处是过早死亡和2型糖尿病的风险较低(7).

Due to its specific processing method and the fact it alters the chemicals in coffee beans, decaf coffee has a different taste than regular coffee.

Decaf Coffee仍然有一些咖啡因。在大多数情况下,加工方法无法完全去除咖啡因。根据USDA的说法,Decaf咖啡仍可包含3%的咖啡因。
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should reduce their caffeine intake. Since decaf contains only a small amount of caffeine, they may drink it in moderation.

  1. 国家卫生研究所。(N.D.)。苯。从https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/riks/substances/benzene中检索到2019年6月10日
  2. 美国农业部。(N.D.)。基本报告:14201,饮料,咖啡,酿造,准备自来水,脱咖啡因。从2019年6月10日检索,来自https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/14201
  3. Barone, J. J., & Roberts, H. R. (1996, January). Caffeine consumption. Retrieved June 10, 2019, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8603790
  4. University of Florida. (2006, October 15). Decaffeinated Coffee Is Not Caffeine-free, Experts Say. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 5, 2019 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/10/061012185602.htm
  5. Appelbaum, C. (2017, November 09). Decaf coffee isn’t actually caffeine-free – here’s how much caffeine you’re really drinking. Retrieved July 5, 2019, from https://www.businessinsider.com/is-there-caffeine-in-decaf-coffee-2017-9
  6. Calderone,J.(2017年10月30日)。对你不好的咖啡因咖啡吗?从Https://www.consumerreports.org/coffee/is-deCafeEteAded-Coffee-Bad-for-you/检索2019年7月5日
  7. Greenberg, J. A., Owen, D. R., & Geliebter, A. (2010, February 01). Decaffeinated Coffee and Glucose Metabolism in Young Men. Retrieved June 11, 2019, from https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/33/2/278
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    My world consists of coffee, travel, water sports and dogs...sometimes all at the same time! I spent years traveling and working in various coffee establishments, and it was on my travels that my love affair with coffee began. I've been involved in every part of the coffee production process from farm to cup and love nothing more than sharing my knowledge of my favorite morning brew with the world.
